We do not want to work on site solving problems, so we anticipate from the beginning, to meet the demands of our clients and meet the professional requirements a priori.
The architectural project allows us to define the final result of the element to be built, at a formal, constructive and cost level since our feasibility studies allow us to verify if the objectives are realistic with respect to the chosen land, the construction contemplated and the budget.
The different phases of the project are responding to the demands of our clients, from the development of the idea with the preliminary project, the license request with the Basic Project, to the development of the Execution Project, in which the project acquires all the technical, economic and constructive characteristics that will allow the construction to be carried out correctly.
We do not want to work on site solving problems, so we go ahead thinking about the constructive detail from the beginning, when developing the phases of the project we always take into account the next step, anticipating the detail from the deep knowledge of our works.